Tuesday 16 October 2012

Two random objects in the office that amuse me

I'm glad I made it to the third week and I have started to stay back late just to get the hang of it. Among my colleagues, I appear to be restless and can be seen taking frequent walks around the office. In all honesty, I drink a lot, hence the frequent toilet stops. There are two items in the office (apart from my laptop) that keep me amused throughout the day. The first is the hand dryer in the washroom. I enjoy thawing my poor frozen hands with warm jets of air. It's a sizzling 33 degrees Celcius outside during the day, but the temperature in the office is probably close to a chilly 16 degrees. It's no wonder that my hands are frozen. I think I should start working wearing gloves in the office. The second gadget that amuses me is the drinks vending machine where you slot in 60 cents for a small cup of iced coffee. I used to love coffee but had a fall out in recent years, but this instant coffee is really good and doesn't make me feel sick and awful inside. I think I need to start a separate account just for my iced coffee!

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