Wednesday 10 October 2012

A night out with cousins

After a scrumptious wedding banquet dinner at a Chinese restaurant last weekend, I decided to follow my cousins to a famous club in the nightlife hotspost of Bukit Bintang. It's a rare opportunity that we get to catch up like this as we have been so preoccupied with our daily lives that we only manage to see each other once or twice a year usualy during family events. And for those residing on a different continent, we only get to meet up once every couple of years.
I have to admit that I am not a clubber as I loathe deafening, loud music, crowded and smoke-choked places. Worse still, I don't dance. Or rather, I am too inhibited to show off my moves in public. Whenever I am at a club, I just feel like a fish out of water. Clubbing just isn't my thing no matter how many times I've tried. And I can't believe I actually got stopped by security at the entrance to have my ID card checked. Do I look that young?

This was a rather unusual gathering with hardly any verbal communications as I was hoping for. The decibels were just too high and you'd need to yell at the top of your lungs into the other person's ear to be heard. You'd get a sore throat from doing that too often. Tonight's outing at the club was just plain hardcore partying, booze and dancing.

What a night out! I came home after 3am still very sober after downing some Brandy, but feeling extremely deaf and my lungs filled with smoke. I might have even shortened my lifespan by a couple of years with the ingestion of all that decadence. But however uncomfortable and awkward I felt at the club, it was still a night to remember.

To cousin CC: Thank you for inspiring me with what you do when I was feeling at my lowest. I marvel at your perseverance.

To cousin ML: You are such a charmer. Thank you for teaching me how to boogie on the dance floor although I honestly think I suck at it. And thank you for giving me a new-found sense of confidence.

To cousin AC: You're like the big sister I never had. Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone in this pursuit.

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