Thursday 18 October 2012

Day 14 at work and...

Today is only Day 14 at work and all too soon, I get that awfully familiar feeling inside. I hate to be bound to my desk, following strict systems and procedures like a programmed robot. I feel so overwhelmed by the information overload and all the new things that I have to pick up quickly. I feel so lost and hopeless in this big company. Horror stories of year end closing where I will have to spend several days working round the clock scare the shits out of me. I feel like running away from my troubles. Running far, far away.

I know I should be thankful that I have a job - one that pays relatively well, and with a very well-known multinational company name to go with it too. There are jobless people struggling out there, hoping to land a job - any job they can find. And there are also those wishing to make it to this company but were unsuccessful due to the company's strict requirements. I cannot run away from my troubles forever because they will come back to haunt me again one day if I don't put up a goof fight. I made a promise to myself to try to stick with this job for at least 6 months. I know the first 3 months will be tough - it will be a very steep learning curve. After that, the following 3 months will be less gruelling and I will get to experience half a cycle. But after 6 months and if this really isn't what I am after, then it must be time for a change.

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