Sunday 30 October 2011

Halloween 2011

I look forward to Halloween tomorrow even though I am much too old for trick or treating. For those who have outgrown tick or treating, there's always the Halloween party where one can dress up in a fancy costume and still have fun. I do look forward to attending one (even though I have never been to one before) but tomorrow, I am looking forward to coming back from work and parking my fat ass in front of the TV to watch the Simpsons Halloween Marathon. It only comes once a year and I am thrilled with the randomness of the Simpsons although in my opinion, Family Guy is even more random!

There's really nothing too amusing on satellite TV this weekend to help me get into the Halloween mood but I did find some classic 80s horror movies such as Poltergeist and Nightmare on Elm Street, so I spent the last two nights watching them. Tonight, the third instalment of Poltergeist will be airing in about half an hour so I shall be quick to end this post.

This year, my online Halloween persona will be Barrel from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas although I like to call him 'the skeleton boy'. He looks eerily cute with that pale round face with sunken eyes and an extra wide grin.

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