Monday 4 January 2010

Monday Morning Madness

It's back to work today - first Monday of the new year and the roads are back to being congested during rush hour. It's no fun driving in a bumper-to-bumper crawl and you need to keep extra vigilant to avoid an accident from happening. 90% of the scratches and dents on my car happened during the morning madness at the junction where traffic from the housing area enters the main road leading out of the suburb. After being on the road for 4 years, I have noticed the traffic pattern. On Mondays and Tuesdays, traffic is really bad and then it gradually eases as the end of the week approaches. Fridays are the best as it seems that most people are already on "weekend mode" and don't seem to be in a hurry to get to work (or some may even take Friday as the start of the weekend and don't go to work at all!). No complaints, really! The less traffic the better! In fact, I wish I could teleport to work so that I can get up 30mins before work starts and still arrive on time!

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