Sunday 17 February 2013

CNY 2013

It's the night before I return to work after a wonderful week long Chinese New Year break and my heart heaves with that familiar feeling of dread. After all the joy of being together with family, feasting endlessly on good food and wine and partying, it seemed that CNY just came and went so quickly. With all the "aliens" (country folk) gone back to their "planets" (home states), the Klang Valley was devoid of its usual hustle and bustle. In its place, peace and quiet gently settled upon the capital of Malaysia. Less people, less traffic, less noise. I did not need to breathe in the putrid smoke coming from the old chain-smoking dragon who lives next door, not did I need to listen to the terrible screeching of the violin from the tone-deaf neighbour behind. Even my strange dreams disappeared and I woke up each morning feeling well rested. If only this could continue for 365 days a year. Alas, all good things must come to an end as the city resumes its usual pace tomorrow and my strange dreams begin again.

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