Thursday 27 September 2012

A job offer

Guess what? After sending out 12 resumes and attending several interviews, I finally received a job offer and will be starting full-time work next month. The offer sounded reasonable enough but I anticipate that I will be spending less time at home taking on this new job, given that there will be a heavy workload and that the office is further away from home (read: traffic jam!). I hope this doesn't mean less blog posts! My new office is connected to a shopping mall, allowing for some recreational time as consolation in times of high work stress levels! And yes, it's still in accounting, albeit a different area of accounting. I did promise myself that if I do not get any relevant job in accounting within 3 months from the date of redundancy, then I will seek a career change. Perhaps the big guy above says it's not time for a change yet and wants me to continue in my line of academic/professional qualification. Only time will tell...

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