Wednesday 6 June 2012


Last night I went to the gym with a friend after work. He is a member at the gym and so was entitled to bring a guest for a free 7-day trial. It has been 5 years since I last stepped into a gym. While packing my trainers  and zipping them up in the morning, the zipper broke. It has been THAT long!

After getting changed in the locker room which was spacious and brightly lit, my friend showed me around and got me started on the treadmill. The machine looked vaguely familiar - it operated just like the one in my previous gym. I bet it's even the same model! After a 30 minute cardio session burning about 200 calories on the treadmill, I moved on to the other equipment. I started with the shoulders, biceps & triceps, back and finished off with abdominals. While working out on the shoulders and abdominals, I couldn't help but notice a plump woman in pink staring at me...

By the time I got home, I felt my left knee aching and I had to practically drag my feet to move about. While taking a shower before going to bed (I don't trust gym showers - I'm afraid of catching ringworm from the damp shower curtains and the wet floor), I couldn't help but ogle narcissicistically at my imaginary pectorals and 6-pack in the mirror after today's workout session...

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