Sunday, 10 February 2013

The crocodile, the witch and the desert

Hooray! It's the start of a long weekend and I finally have some "me" time to catch up on new posts for my blog. I have been terribly exhausted at the end of each week that all I do on weekends is just sleep in to recuperate from the energy-draining analysis work that I do. I have never felt so fatigued in my life before in all my 5 years since I first joined the workforce. Perhaps old age has finally started to creep in. My youth will be diminished and dark circles will start appearing under my eyes. My hair will start to fall and a lobe of fat will appear around my waistline.

The only interesting bit in my life is that my dreams have been extremely random and vivid lately. I once dreamed that I had to cross a broken bridge over a swamp inhabited by a giant crocodile. In another, I was safe inside a wooden house with three witches waiting for me outside. On a separate occasion, I dreamed I was in Darwin (although I have never been to Darwin before!) watching a thunderstorm heading my way through a large glass window from the safety of a friend's house. In my dream, I pictured Darwin to be a barren desert inhabited by wargs (large, wolf-like creatures from Tolkien's Middle Earth). In each dream, I can feel my chest pounding from fear and anxiety, and it leaves me feeling exhausted each morning when I wake up to go to work.

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