Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Back to work

The vicious cycle starts again. After a short Christmas break (I don’t have many paid leave days to clear as I just got back to working after quitting a Big 4), it’s back to work again. The reality of going back to work starts to sink in on a Sunday morning. As the day progresses from morning to noon, the dark feeling of doom grows like a storm cell and lingers throughout the rest of the day. As night falls, the bottomless feeling of dread grows and I get all sorts of anxious thoughts as I lie in bed trying to sleep. "What will tomorrow be like? How will the day go by? Will I be busy? Will I be stressed? How will I kill boredom?" The thoughts keep playing in my head until I finally doze off from nonsensical mental overwork at 12.00am.


Then, after going through an epic battle to get out of bed in the morning (it really is a clash of the titans with Poseidon dragging me back down beneath the sheets and the mighty Zeus pulling me up from beneath the darkness of my bed covers!), I go to work. Here’s a timetable of what typically goes on each day in the office:

9.00am: Wishes “Good morning” to co-workers and boss.

10.00am: It’s only 10am? Gosh! It certainly felt like more than just an hour!

11.00am: Time for brekkie!

12.00am: Hooray! 1 more hour to lunch!

1.00pm: Lunch break

2.00pm: Lunch is over. Belly is filled. Glad that half the day is gone.

3.00pm: Argghhh! 3 more hours to go!

3.30pm: *Yawn! 2.5 hours to go. Hang on!

4.00pm: 2 more hours! What can I do to make time pass even quicker?

5.00pm: 1 more hour to go (keeps on checking the watch)

6.00pm: Sayonara! Balik rumah! Says “See you tomorrow” to co-workers and boss.

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